P is for Peter

Browsing Archive: September, 2010

"Come The Dawn"

Posted by Peter Kennedy on Monday, September 13, 2010, In : Musical Theatre 
Work is well underway with the new orchestrations for "Come The Dawn", thanks to Mark Dougherty. It's an exciting time for me. The script has been thoroughly edited and the Press Launch for the Ballinrobe production is not far off. To see the music properly printed is very satisfying, and to hear the pieces beautifully sung will be a thrill.
It's a show that I want the world to see, if only to let people appreciate the fears and anxieties of growing up in a torn and divided community. I suppo...
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Rabbit, Rabbit

Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday, September 12, 2010, In : Home 
Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.....  no, it's not the wifey going on about the mess I leave, or the list of things I have to do but haven't done. It's the fact that our overgrown garden currently looks like a scene from Watership Down. Bunnies in abundance. I don't remember us having such an infestation last year or the year before, but Holy God.... they're everywhere this year! They must be breeding like...... well... you get the picture. I wouldn't mind, if they cut the bloody grass a bit more effi...
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Beauty and the Beast

Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday, September 12, 2010, In : Musical Theatre 
September 12th, 2010.... after a couple of false starts, largely due to an annoying and disorientating ear infection (no doubt brought on by the number of children using the swimming pool in Roda, Spain) am off to the wilds of Portlaoise today for the first production rehearsal of the Disney favourite, "Beauty and the Beast". They seem like a nice crowd, those Portlaoisians, so I'm sure I'll have a few laughs, and isn't that what it's all about. Well ok, it pays the bills too, but there's no ...
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And so it begins.....

Posted by Peter Kennedy on Thursday, September 9, 2010,
Where will it end?
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